Birdwatching Bliss: A Visit to Kampung Blekok in East Java

Birdwatching Bliss A Visit to Kampung Blekok in East Java

If you’re on the lookout for a unique and serene getaway, let me introduce you to a lesser-known paradise on the island of Java. Nestled in the heart of East Java, Kampung Blekok offers a tranquil escape where you can immerse yourself in nature and witness an incredible variety of water birds. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a budding ornithologist, or just someone looking to unwind, Kampung Blekok is the perfect spot for your next adventure.

A Birdwatcher’s Paradise

Javan Pond Herons (known locally as Blekok Sawah)

Kampung Blekok, located in Dusun Pesisir, Desa Klatakan, Kecamatan Kendit, Kabupaten Situbondo, is an ecotourism village famous for its mangroves and water birds. This charming village has been designated as an ecotourism area under the Regent’s Regulation No. 13 of 2017, which focuses on the conservation of biodiversity.

The village gets its name from the numerous Javan Pond Herons (known locally as “Blekok Sawah”) that call this place home. These birds, with their striking white wings and patient hunting habits, are a delight to observe as they stand still in the water, waiting to catch their prey. But that’s not all—Kampung Blekok is also home to a variety of other bird species including Little Egrets, Cattle Egrets, Black-crowned Night Herons, Grey Herons, Purple Herons, and Striated Herons.

A Day in the Life at Kampung Blekok

Imagine starting your day at 5 AM, watching flocks of birds take to the skies in search of breakfast. By 5 PM, they return to their nests, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. These are the prime times to visit if you want to see the sky filled with these elegant creatures.

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Since its inception as an ecotourism destination, Kampung Blekok has attracted over 13,500 visitors, including tourists from India and Singapore. For a small fee of 5,000 Rupiah, you can enjoy the natural beauty and tranquility of this village. For those interested in a deeper dive, various packages ranging from 25,000 to 50,000 Rupiah offer educational tours on botany, crafts, the 3Rs (reuse, reduce, recycle), mangroves, and water birds, or even a boat tour.

Unique Attractions and Local Culture

Local Souvenir Shop at Kampung Blekok Situbondo East Java

Kampung Blekok isn’t just about birdwatching. It also boasts unique local traditions and events. For instance, the village hosts an annual festival attended by the Regent of Situbondo, featuring traditional food, mud skiing, and stilt walking for children. The village was even a finalist in the East Java Tourism Awards.

The mangrove forests here play a vital role in supporting marine life and protecting the coastline from erosion and flooding. According to research by Pramudji from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, these forests are crucial habitats for various marine species and provide a natural barrier against environmental threats.

The mangrove forests Kampung Blekok Situbondo East Java

Why Choose Java Private Tour?

So, you’re intrigued by Kampung Blekok and want to explore more of Java? Look no further than Java Private Tour. Here’s why:

  • Expert Local Guides: Our guides are fluent in English, friendly, and knowledgeable about the local culture and nature.
  • Flexible Itineraries: We tailor our schedules to fit your needs and preferences, ensuring a stress-free experience.
  • Professional Service: Java Private Tour is backed by professional and licensed guides and drivers, and we offer a range of private vehicles from sedans to tour buses.
  • Endorsed by Embassies: Our exceptional service is recommended by various foreign embassies, ensuring a safe and enjoyable trip for all.
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Happy travels, and we hope to see you soon in the beautiful and diverse landscapes of Java!


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