Visiting the Footsteps of Zheng He in Java Island

Visiting the Footsteps of Admiral Zheng He in Java Island – Hey there, travel enthusiasts! Ready for a thrilling adventure in the heart of Java? Well, let me take you to one of the most captivating spots on the island – the magnificent Klenteng Sam Poo Kong. But before we dive into the rich history and vibrant celebrations, let’s talk about why your experience […]

Baceman: A Culinary Heritage of the Javanese People

Baceman- A Culinary Heritage of the Javanese People – Sweet! That’s the first word that comes to mind when thinking about the culinary delights of Central Java, especially “baceman.” This traditional dish, featuring sweet flavors and a mix of local ingredients, is a true reflection of Javanese culture and heritage. Let’s dive into the roots of this culinary practice and discover why […]