Discover Kertoembo The Village With Only 5 Hours of Sun

Discover Kertoembo The Village With Only 5 Hours of Sun

Hey there, traveler! Ready for an adventure off the beaten path? Let me take you to Kertoembo, a charming little village tucked away in the serene valley of Mount Wilis in Madiun, East Java. This hidden gem is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural richness, with a unique twist—it’s only bathed in sunlight […]

Unveiling the Beauty and History Behind Trusmi Batik in Cirebon

Unveiling the Beauty and History Behind Trusmi Batik in Cirebon

Unveil the captivating story behind Batik Trusmi, a testament to Cirebon’s rich cultural heritage and artistic brilliance. – Cirebon, a city steeped in history and tradition, is renowned for its iconic “Kota Udang” (Shrimp City) moniker. However, beyond its bustling shrimp industry lies another treasure trove waiting to be discovered: the mesmerizing world of […]