Sailing Through Time: Discovering Indonesia’s Maritime Legacy at Samudra Raksa Museum

Sailing Through Time Discovering Indonesia's Maritime Legacy at Samudra Raksa Museum – Nestled within the enchanting premises of Borobudur Temple Tourism Park, there’s another gem waiting to be explored – the Samudra Raksa Ship Museum in Magelang. This museum stands as a collective memory space celebrating Indonesia’s maritime heritage. At Samudra Raksa, visitors are not only treated to a glimpse of historical artifacts but are […]

City of Legends: Old Batavia’s Enduring Historical Legacy

Jakarta's Old City – Nestled in the heart of Jakarta, Old Batavia stands as a testament to Indonesia’s rich history and the bygone era of spice trade that once captivated the world. As we traverse through the cobblestone streets and immerse ourselves in the echoes of the past, Java Private Tour unveils the mesmerizing tale of this […]