Discover Kertoembo The Village With Only 5 Hours of Sun

Discover Kertoembo The Village With Only 5 Hours of Sun

Hey there, traveler! Ready for an adventure off the beaten path? Let me take you to Kertoembo, a charming little village tucked away in the serene valley of Mount Wilis in Madiun, East Java. This hidden gem is a treasure trove of natural beauty and cultural richness, with a unique twist—it’s only bathed in sunlight […]

Discover the Hidden Gem of Wotawati Village: Where the Sun Rises Late and Sets Early

Discover the Hidden Gem of Wotawati Village- Where the Sun Rises Late and Sets Early – Have you ever heard of a place where the sun doesn’t rise until 9am and sets at 5pm? No, it’s not the North Pole, but a hidden gem called Dusun Wotawati in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This unique village is nestled in a valley between two towering hills, creating a natural phenomenon that causes […]

Exploring the Unique and Authentic Betawi Culture in Various Corners of Jakarta

Betawi Culture – Greetings, avid travelers and culture enthusiasts! Jakarta, the vibrant capital of Indonesia, holds a treasure trove of unique cultural experiences waiting to be discovered. One such rich cultural tapestry is the Betawi culture, a fusion of various ethnicities that has thrived in the heart of Jakarta. Join us as we embark on a […]