Discover the Nighttime Culinary Paradise at Surabaya’s Kodam Brawijaya Night Market

Discover the Nighttime Culinary Paradise at Surabaya's Kodam Brawijaya Night Market – Surabaya, the capital of East Java, is a vibrant city that offers a captivating blend of culture, history, and culinary delights. Among its many attractions, the Kodam Brawijaya Night Market stands out as a must-visit destination for both locals and tourists alike. Nestled in Brawijaya Square in Sawunggaling, Wonokromo, this bustling night market […]

The World’s Best Dumpling: Siomay Turns Heads in 2024 According to Taste Atlas

Siomay From Bandung West Java – Who would have thought that a humble Indonesian dish could make waves on the global culinary stage? Brace yourself for a gastronomic adventure as we delve into the enchanting world of dumplings, with a special spotlight on Siomay, the crowned champion of Taste Atlas’s Top 100 Dumplings in The World. Siomay, a beloved […]

Indulge in Mie Glosor, Bogor’s Ramadan Delicacy

Indulge in Mie Glosor, Bogor's Ramadan Delicacy – Ramadan is not just about fasting; it’s also about the joy of breaking the fast with delicious treats. In the vibrant city of Bogor, Indonesia, one such treat steals the spotlight during this holy month: Mie Glosor. This golden-colored noodle, made from tapioca flour, becomes the object of desire for locals as they […]

Warung Tegal: A Culinary Gem Ready to Go International

Warung Tegal A Culinary Gem Ready to Go International – Welcome to the vibrant world of Indonesian cuisine! If you’re an adventurous foodie looking to explore the heart and soul of Indonesia’s culinary scene, then you’re in for a treat. Today, we’re diving into the rich culture and flavors of Indonesia, with a particular spotlight on one of its most beloved culinary institutions: […]

10 Best Ramadan Night Market Destinations in Jakarta to Hunt for Takjil

10 Best Ramadan Night Market Destinations in Jakarta to Hunt for Takjil

Experience the vibrant Ramadan atmosphere and culinary delights at these bustling night markets! – Ramadan in Indonesia is a special time filled with spiritual reflection, community gatherings, and of course, delicious food. One of the unique experiences during this holy month is the emergence of Pasar Kaget Ramadan or Ramadan Night Markets. These lively […]

Larva Frenzy: Discover the Bizarre and Extraordinary Javanese Snack

Larva Frenzy Discover the Bizarre and Extraordinary Javanese Snack – Ever heard of a delicacy that involves feasting on winged insects? No, we’re not talking about your average butterfly or dragonfly. In Java, Indonesia, adventurous foodies and curious travelers can indulge in a unique culinary experience: savoring peyek laron, a culinary specialty originating from the island of Java. While some may find the […]

5 Cities in Java That Offer Mouth-Watering Culinary Destinations

5 Cities in Java That Offer Mouth-Watering Culinary Destinations – Welcome, fellow travel enthusiasts! If you’re planning a trip to the vibrant and culturally rich island of Java in Indonesia, you’re in for a treat! Java not only captivates with its diverse landscapes but also offers a culinary journey that will leave your taste buds dancing. In this article, we’ll take you on […]

Tiwul, A Traditional Indonesian Food That’s Making a Comeback

Tiwul, A Traditional Indonesian Food That’s Making a Comeback – Hey there, fellow travelers and food enthusiasts! Today, let’s embark on a flavorful journey through the heart of Java, Indonesia, and discover a delightful snack that has stood the test of time – Tiwul. But before we dive into this culinary adventure, let’s chat a bit about the charm and allure of exploring […]

Unveiling the Joy of Liwetan: A Culinary Tradition of Togetherness in Java

Unveiling the Joy of Liwetan- A Culinary Tradition of Togetherness in Java – Hey there, fellow adventurers! Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey that’s not just about savoring delicious local dishes but also celebrating the spirit of togetherness? Let’s dive into the heart of a unique dining experience known as “Liwetan” – a tradition deeply rooted in the rich cultural tapestry of Java, […]

Warm and Delicious Mi Ongklok, a Must-Try Dish in Dieng, Java

Warm and Delicious Mi Ongklok, a Must-Try Dish in Dieng, Java – Are you in search of a tranquil getaway, surrounded by nature, and rich in both scenic landscapes and unique culinary experiences? Look no further than Dieng, nestled in the heart of Wonosobo, Central Java, a region surrounded by active volcanoes within the Ring of Fire. Exploring the Enchanting Dieng Plateau Dieng, often referred […]