Keroncong Serenade, Guiding You Through Java’s Musical Heritage

Keroncong Serenade, Guiding You Through Java's Musical Heritage – Once upon a time, in the mesmerizing islands of Java, a musical journey unfolded, connecting cultures, and leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of people worldwide. This is the tale of Keroncong, a music genre that transcends borders and has found its way into the souls of music lovers around the globe. […]

From Braga to Asia-Afrika: Bandung’s Historic Trail in 24 Hours

gedung sate bandung – Hello, wanderers and history enthusiasts! Have you ever found yourself with just a day to spare in the charming city of Bandung? Fear not, for we’ve curated a list of four historical gems that will transport you through time, all while basking in the beauty of Indonesia’s cultural richness. Whether you’re a history […]