Exploring Bedug Pendowo: A Historical Gem in Purworejo

Exploring Bedug Pendowo A Historical Gem in Purworejo

javaprivatetour.com – Hey there, fellow travelers! If you’re planning a trip to Java, Indonesia, and seeking a unique historical adventure, then let me introduce you to a remarkable landmark that often gets overlooked amidst the island’s bustling attractions. Welcome to the captivating world of Bedug Pendowo, hailed as one of the largest bedug drums globally, nestled in the quaint town of Purworejo.

Unraveling the Legacy of Bedug Pendowo

Nestled within the serene confines of Purworejo’s Masjid Jami Darul Muttaqien lies a treasure trove of history embodied by Bedug Pendowo. Legend has it that this colossal drum finds its roots in the visionary efforts of Purworejo’s first regent, KRA Tjokronagoro I, upon the completion of Masjid Agung Purworejo in 1834.

Crafted from sturdy teakwood sourced from Pendowo Village, this monumental bedug served as a beacon to announce the call to prayer. The journey of its creation, steeped in local lore, saw the involvement of skilled artisans led by Muhammad Irsyad, the son-in-law of Patih Tjokrojoyo.

Bedug Pendowo, The Giant Drum or Bedug in The World

Crafting the Giant Drum

The creation of Bedug Pendowo was no ordinary feat. Carved from a majestic teak tree standing over 2.5 meters tall, this monumental drum derived its name from its five branches, reminiscent of the legendary Pandawa Lima from Javanese mythology.

Transporting this behemoth drum posed a logistical challenge, spanning a distance of 9 kilometers from its birthplace to Masjid Agung. However, under the guidance of Bupati Tjokronagoro I, Kiai Haji Muhammad Irsyad orchestrated a remarkable solution using traditional methods, ensuring the safe passage of the revered bedug.

The performance of the Sendratari (dance drama) Bedug Pendowo narrates the history of the creation of Bedug Pendowo.
The performance of the Sendratari (dance drama) Bedug Pendowo narrates the history of the creation of Bedug Pendowo.

A Glimpse of Greatness

Measured at a staggering 292 centimeters in length with a front diameter of 194 centimeters, Bedug Pendowo stands tall as a testament to Purworejo’s rich heritage. Despite enduring minor damages over its 102-year lifespan, this monumental drum continues to resonate with the rhythm of religious ceremonies and national celebrations.

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