Kotagede, A Paradise for Silver Enthusiasts

Kotagede, A Paradise for Silver Enthusiasts

When you think of Yogyakarta, what comes to mind? Perhaps the majestic temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, or the vibrant street art of Jalan Malioboro. But, if you venture just 5 kilometers southeast of the city center, you’ll find Kotagede—a place where history, culture, and craftsmanship converge in a beautiful tapestry of tradition and modernity.

Kotagede, with its rich past and dynamic present, is a treasure trove for those who love history and artisanal crafts. Known as the first capital of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom in 1582, this area was once a bustling center of political, social, economic, and religious activity. Today, it stands as a testament to Yogyakarta’s enduring legacy.

A Journey Through Time and Silver

Silvershop at Kotagede Yogyakarta

Kotagede’s story begins with Ki Ageng Pemanahan, who, after aiding Sultan Hadiwijaya of Pajang in defeating his enemies, was gifted land in Mentaok—now known as Kotagede. This land, once part of the ancient Mataram Kingdom, became the foundation for the Mataram Islamic Kingdom, established by his son, Panembahan Senopati.

The growth of Kotagede saw the rise of silver artisans in the 1930s, turning the town into a hub of silver craftsmanship. From household items to fine jewelry, silver from Kotagede is renowned for its distinctive embossing and striking black contrasts. This tradition flourished further with the arrival of the Dutch VOC, who influenced local designs and expanded the market for silver goods.

Today, Kotagede remains a vibrant center for silver craftsmanship. Visitors can stroll along Jalan Kemasan, watching artisans at work, or browse through shops showcasing everything from tea sets to intricate jewelry. One notable artisan is Marjuni, located on Jalan Basen KG III/82, who handcrafts silver rings and other unique items. His workshop offers a fascinating glimpse into the meticulous process of silver crafting.

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Another gem in Kotagede is HS Silver, a renowned store on Jalan Mondorokan, founded by Harto Soehardjo. The store’s trademark 800-925 signifies the purity of the silver sold here. It’s a must-visit for anyone looking to buy high-quality silver souvenirs.

Silver Product from Silver Artisan From Kotagede Yogyakarta

Explore Kotagede: More Than Just Silver

Aside from its famous silver crafts, Kotagede boasts several intriguing attractions:

  1. Mataram’s Kings Graveyard : The resting place of Mataram’s first and second kings, Panembahan Senopati and Panembahan Hanyakrawati. This serene complex also features the Masjid Gedhe Mataram, a place of worship and community gathering.
  2. Pasar Legi Kotagede: This traditional market, steeped in history, is a bustling spot where you can experience local life, from morning animal markets to evening food stalls.
  3. Between Two Gates: A peaceful area with traditional Joglo houses flanked by two gates. Here, the silence is only broken by the sound of footsteps, as the use of motor vehicles is strictly prohibited to preserve the tranquility and heritage of the area.
Mataram's Kings Graveyard
Mataram’s Kings Graveyard

Get Your Best Guide in Java with Java Private Tour

Ready to dive deeper into the wonders of Kotagede and beyond? Look no further than Java Private Tour. We offer you more than just a tour—we provide a gateway to the soul of Java. Our guides are fluent in English, friendly, and incredibly knowledgeable, ensuring you get the best local experience. Our service is flexible, tailored to your preferences, and supported by professional, certified local guides.

Java Private Tour is highly recommended by embassies of friendly nations, a testament to our dedication and quality of service. We not only offer private guides but also a fleet of vehicles ranging from sedans to luxury buses, ensuring a comfortable and memorable journey.

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