Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure

Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure

Paragliding is a free flying sport using cloth wings (parachutes), and taking off on foot for recreational or competition purposes.  Its parent organization in Indonesia is PLGI Indonesian Hang Gliding Union, and under the auspices of the FASI Federation of Indonesian Aero Sport.

Paragliding takes off from a hillside or mountain by utilizing the power of the wind.  The wind that is used as a source of lift that causes this parachute to float high in the sky consists of two kinds, namely, the rising wind that blows towards the slope (dynamic lift) and the rising wind caused by thermal (thermal lift). By utilizing the two sources, the pilot can fly very high and reach great distances, and the interesting thing is that everything is done without the use of machines, only solely using wind.

For those of you who love extreme sports, of course you should try paragliding. This activity is able to stimulate adrenaline, and use international safety standards. Compared to some other countries, there are not so many paragliding places in Java and Bali. However, the Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure has many paragliding points in Java and Bali, and is now included in the recommended paragliding adventure range. The following are spots for Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure that you can try, maybe one of them is by chance you are in the city and want to try an adventure with Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure!

Mount Mas Bogor West Java.
It is one of the best paragliding locations in Indonesia that was once used as the Asian Games paragliding competition in 2018.  The peak of Mount Mas is known to have an altitude of 250 meters above sea level. A suitable height for paragliding. The natural conditions at Mount Mas also support the paragliding. Where the breeze blows soothing. For visitors or tourists there is a paragliding package to try new experiences in tandem plunge with professional instructors from Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure.

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– Paralayang Hill Yogyakarta Central Java.
If you are in Yogyakarta, in Parangtritis there is a recommended Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure point. Hill which is often visited by tourists from all over the world to hunt for a very epic sunset moment. Yogyakarta Paralayang Hill is at an altitude of 200 meters above sea level. You only need to walk to the takeoff location. Expert instructors from the Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure will accompany you. Paragliding activities in this place lasts about 30 minutes. During that time, you will be invited to fly to enjoy the beautiful view of the Indian Ocean.

– Ungaran Mountain Semarang Central Java.
In the Semarang region there are also the best Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure spots.  Namely on Mount Ungaran. The paragliding take off location is quite close to "Umbul Sidomukti", or precisely at the Mawar Climbing Post, Mount Ungaran, and to get to the paragliding location from the "Sidamukti" post you can walk from Umbul Sidomukti. However, please note that paragliding activities are only served every weekend (Saturday and Sunday). The flight duration is around 15 minutes. During the flight you will be invited to enjoy views of the city of Semarang which is composed of mountain ranges, Rawa Pening, and parts of the city which are also quite clearly visible from a height.

– Mount Banyak, Batu East Java.
Banyak mountain including favorite tourist attractions in Batu, East Java. This place comes by combining the beauty of nature with views of the city. As for its location at an altitude makes Mount Many appropriate for paragliding. No wonder this place is often chosen as a location for national and international paragliding competitions. Not only professional paragliding athletes who can take off at Mount Banyak, beginners can also try playing paragliding, and this activity is carried out accompanied by expert instructors of the Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure who are already very experienced

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– Timbis Hill Bali.
Bali Island of the Gods is known to have beautiful and beautiful natural panorama. Not only popular with the beach, it turns out Bali also has a hilly area that you can explore and enjoy in a different way, namely by playing paragliding on Bukit Timbis Kuta Bali. You will be invited to climb Bukit Timbis. The location is quite close only 15 km away from Kuta Beach. Upon arrival on the hill you can prepare to take off to enjoy the view from a height then land again on the same hill. Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure. provide experience on how to enjoy the panorama in different ways, you can see the beautiful beach from above and the magnificent resort buildings around the location.

– Joglo Wonogiri Hill Area in Central Java.
the Joglo Hill area in Wonogiri is very special.  This is because Joglo Hill is not an ordinary hill.  Initially this hill was filled with shrubs. However, now Joglo Hill and Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure come in a different form, and make changes as a tourist destination worth visiting to play extreme paragliding rides. The weather and geographical conditions of Bukit Joglo support the holding of paragliding activities. The available platform also meets international standards, and also this place has been entered as one of the best paragliding places in the country.

– Mount Panten Majalengka West Java.
Mount Panten is in Majalengka.  Since 2010 this place was opened as a public tourist attraction. At Mount Panten you can not only enjoy beautiful natural scenery.  Guaranteed not to be bored because there are extreme attractions that are interesting to try, one of which is the Java Private Tour Paragliding Adventure. At first only professional athletes were allowed to play paragliding in this place, because Mount Panten was previously only used as a training ground for professional paragliding players. However, now the paragliding rides are open to general tourists, and you will get the chance to fly in the Majalengka sky.

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Paragliding activities include dangerous adrenaline-boosting activities. It takes special skills and expertise to do it. But for those of you who are beginners, it is still safe to do, because you will be accompanied by skilled instructors and equipped with international standard equipment.  So which paraliding location in Java and Bali would you choose?


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